On Monday, the report “Moderna – a government agency for modern art, architecture and design” was presented, which proposes a merger of the Moderna Museet, ArkDes and Public Art Agency Sweden.

On Monday, the report “Moderna – a government agency for modern art, architecture and design” was presented, which proposes a merger of the Moderna Museet, ArkDes and Public Art Agency Sweden.
Public Art Agency Sweden considers there to be both advantages and disadvantages to the proposal.
Henrik Orrje, acting director of Public Art Agency Sweden, says:
– It is important that the commission to work with public art is reflected in the name of the proposed new government agency and department. This will make it clearer to society as a whole that the government agency continues to have a commission to produce and acquire public art, promote contemporary art, strengthen art organisations and develop and spread knowledge about contemporary and public art.
Stronger visibility through an explicit name also counteracts the risk that the report describes, “/…/ that Public Art Agency Sseden could lose its identity, visibility and distinctiveness in a larger government agency.”
Henrik Orrje further says:
– Public art is the art we all have the opportunity to encounter in our everyday lives from early school age and throughout our lives. If Public Art Agency Sweden is incorporated into a new government agency, it is crucial that the importance of public art in our living environments can continue to be strengthened and made visible.