Three old handkerchiefs have been embroidered with statements, in works by Anita Christoffersson using old handkerchiefs. The message here is: Ensamheten sönderdelar själen (loneliness tears the soul apart).

Three old handkerchiefs have been embroidered with statements, in works by Anita Christoffersson using old handkerchiefs. The message here is: Ensamheten sönderdelar själen (loneliness tears the soul apart).
The words embroidered on the handkerchiefs come from author Birgitta Trotzig’s writing and deal with existential issues. The fraying fabrics carry stories of the people who have used them, thus interweaving the universal and the highly personal. Everyday objects have been reused and infused with new meanings.
Born in 1943, Anita Christoffersson holds a BA from Lund University and an MFA from Goldsmiths London University. She lives and works in Lund.