De sovande, no 6/8 av Anna Ekman

De sovande, no 6/8 by Anna Ekman

Anna Ekman’s photograph De sovande, no 6/8 (The Sleeping Ones, no 6/8) oscillates between the stillness of an early morning walk in the woods, and the eerie feeling of balancing between dream and reality. The work was acquired for the Corona Collection, an initiative to support the Swedish art scene during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The point of departure of De sovande, no 6/8 is the legend of the sleeping ones, a group of people who, avoiding persecution, fell into a deep sleep that lasted 300 years. De sovande depicts the escape into the melancholic and lonely Nordic forest, shrouded in mist. The photographs oscillate between the stillness of an early morning walk in the forest, and the eeriness experienced when human forms reappear in other, strange guises, somewhere between dream and reality.

Artist biography Anna Ekman

Anna Ekman lives and works in Stockholm. She was educated at Art Academy Malmö.