The painting När fåglar tystna (When Birds Fall Silent) is located in the new entrance of the A Building. Artist Danilo Stankovic installed the work at the Luleå University of Technology with a carpenter, piece by piece, in seven sections. From the balcony one floor up, visitors can explore parts of the motif close up. The polyporus in the trees. The silhouettes beyond the ravine. A forest landscape condensed by magic and folklore – when darkness falls, the birds become silent and the unknown awakens.
The renovations and extension of the A Building were completed in 2016. Danilo Stankovic painted När fåglar tystna (Silence of the Birds) in oil and fluorescent paint on birch plywood. Details glow and become visible only when darkness has fallen on the city. Luleå University of Technology has some 15,000 students and one ambition was that the artistic intervention in the entrance would open up to the idea of something, unexpected and undiscovered. Something other than exams and study requirements.
När fåglar tystna (Silence of the Birds) is an artistic intervention for the Luleå University of Technology commissioned by Public Art Agency Sweden and owned and managed by Akademiska Hus. The work was inaugurated in September 2016.