En grupp människor lämnar den glasöverbyggda utgången från station Triangeln. Ovanför deras huvuden ser man en vanlig offentlig klocka med texten "Kabul" i rött. Jens Haaning, Kabul Time.

Kabul Time

Kabul Time is a street clock of standard Danish design installed outside Triangeln station. But instead of showing the hour according to Swedish time it shows the Afghan hours. The brand has been replaced with the name Kabul and the piece is difficult to detect among many other items filling the public space. Through this subtle intrusion, Haaning throws the passer by into the confusion caused by this “foreign presence” in public space. The initial upset dissolves into reflection over rights to public space, Malmö’s complex reality, and migration and coexistence in our global world.

Jens Haaning is known for his interventions with a focus on re-location and cultural differences. His works often are hidden or camouflaged, but nonetheless emerge in public spaces and never fail to disrupt the daily flow of our regulated lives.

On Malmös leende

In Malmös Leende, a group of international and Swedish artists interact with the city and it’s public space. They try to deconstruct simplistic depictions and explore its complex reality. Their works deal with a broad aspect of issues pertaining to politics, religion, language, belonging and cityscape.

Malmös Leende is produced by Public Art Agency Sweden and realized in collaboration with the City of Malmö.

Find the artwork

Sankt Johannesgatan 2A, Malmö, Sverige