Tavla i ett offentligt rum

Between light and darkness – Meet the art in Luleå 

The magic of nature and silent knowledge in the encounter with the progress of technology and the importance of art in everyday life is the theme of an art walk where you get to meet the art at Luleå University of Technology.

During the autumn, the Public Art Agency organises two art walks on the campus at LTU, where you can meet both permanent artworks specifically for the location and art from the Public Art Agency’s collection that has been placed in the various premises. These are artworks that meet students, researchers, teachers, other staff and the public at Luleå University of Technology daily. We tackle questions about how nature and technology affect us as well as art, and what happens when the magic of nature and the silent knowledge meet the progress of technology.

Time and place


  • Sunday 27 October, 14.00
  • Wednesday 30 October, 17.00

Where: We meet up at the intersection Regnbågsallén and Vintergatan, address Regnbågsallén 6. Visitor parking and bus stop at Universitetsvägen 6.

Route: We walk between Alfa, the A-house, the C-house and finish off in Bo Helin’s collections in the B-house. The premises are accessible for wheelchairs, and lifts are available. The route is about 1.5 km long and the art walk takes about 1 hour and 40 minutes. The artworks are both indoors and outdoors.

Registration: Admission free, no pre-registration required.

Our guide during the art walks is Shiva Niiko Anoushirvani.