The role of art in social development
The conference on the role of art in a designed living environment presents the final report of ten projects that have researched new knowledge about and around public art. The projects were organised within the research call initiated and funded by the Public Art Agency and Formas, and were carried out in collaboration with the Swedish National Heritage Board, the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning and ArkDes (2020–2024).
The conference offers us, among other things, to:
Learn more about artistic methods for collaboration in complex processes.
Take part of examples of how artistic competence can become the leaven in the dough for social development and an essential part in sustainable urban and rural development.
Catch sight of difficulties, opportunities and lessons learned that arise when we have to understand and work together, but have different professions and approach to knowledge.
During the conference, we will be able to take part of steaming fresh research from the field of designed living environment, and outlooks and reflections from some of Sweden’s leading persons in artistic methods, artistic and social science research, policy-making and sustainable development.