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Public Memory – Monuments and Difficult Heritages

Monuments have provoked discussions and actions during the past decade. Some have been toppled, others questioned. Throughout the world, production is underway of new memorials that commemorate difficult heritages and previously unaddressed issues in public history. How can a society remember and take responsibility for difficult pasts and its legacies?

What is the role of public art and monuments in this context? And what roles do the commissioners, artists and the public audience play? These and other issues will be discussed in a symposium arranged by researcher Rebecka Katz Thor and Public Art Agency Sweden. The symposium delves further into the subject initiated in the anthology Public Memory, Public Art: Reflections on Monuments and Memorial Art Today (eds. Enqvist, Modig, Katz Thor & Zawieja, Public Art Agency Sweden, 2022).


Esther Shalev Gerz (FRA/LTU), Ulf Aminde (DEU), Monika Larsen Dennis (USA/SWE),  Juan Pedro FabraGuemberena (DEU/SWE/URY),  Victoria Fareld (SWE),  Trude Schjelderup Iversen (NOR), Binki Taylor (UK), Jo Baxendale (UK), Emmanuel Gordien (FRA), Patrick Amsellem (SWE), Rebecka Katz Thor (SWE), Annika Enqvist (SWE). 


Find the detailed programme here. 

The symposium is free and open to the public. Limited number of seats.

When and where

When: November 14th at 13.00 – November 15th at 15.00
Where: Statens konstråd, Svensksundsvägen 11A, Stockholm
RSVP: at the latest on November 9 via the link below.

The symposium is free and open to the public. Limited number of seats.