Olivia Plender, Kom Te Måtta - Kvinnliga Medborgarskolan vid Fogelstad

Kom Te Måtta by Olivia Plender

Artist Olivia Plender takes an interest in Swedish feminist movements of the 20th century. Her artwork Kom Te Måtta – Kvinnliga Medborgarskolan vid Fogelstad (Kom Te Måtta – Fogelstad Citizen School for Women) was acquired for the Corona Collection, an initiative to support the Swedish art scene during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Olivia Plender has developed several projects addressing the struggle for women’s suffrage and Swedish feminist movements in the 20th century, including the Citizen School for Women at Fogelstad in Sörmland which was active in 1922–1954. 

The artwork Kom Te Måtta – Kvinnliga Medborgarskolan vid Fogelstad comprises ten wooden figures and two drawings, focused on the role play “Komtemåtta”, which was performed at the school. The participants in the game were registered in the municipality of “Komtemåtta” and assigned different roles in order to learn how a municipality functioned. 

Artist biography Olivia Plender

Born in London, Olivia Plender lives and works in Stockholm.